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The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide

With Father’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to start looking around and finding the perfect gift to celebrate your dad. Although there are endless generic gift ideas, you don’t have to stick with the traditional white shirt and “Best Dad in the World” mug combination – we’ve got your back with a list of creative ideas from sporty and casual to elegant and luxurious.

The Classy Dad

image via tumblr.com

If your dad is absolutely obsessed with collecting vintage treasures and has a more elegant wardrobe than most dads, he is probably a true gentleman at heart. Whether is a collector or just generally enjoys looking elegant and classy, surprise him with something truly unique. Visit an antique boutique for inspiration: paintings, notebooks, small collectibles, special edition books and little vintage décor items and classic fragrances are all great gift ideas that he will surely love. To stick with the antique theme, choose gold, bronze, crystal or wooden décor items that have a vintage flare, and for clothes, pick out a special pair of cufflinks or tie that he couldn’t find anywhere else. Personalize your gift with a small note (especially if it’s a notebook or book) and don’t be afraid to get a bit emotional and thank him for all he’s done in the past years.

The Adventurous Dad

image via health.com

He’s always either in the park, on a backpack tour with his friends or on a vacation? For an adventurous dad, the most fitting gift idea is probably a whole new experience. Take him to somewhere new…and don’t worry, you don’t have to rob a bank and take him to Hawaii to make your gift personal and unique. Discover a new place together in your hometown or go to a small village nearby and spend the day there exploring the place. You will not only gift him the adventure of exploring something new, but you also give him your free time and the opportunity to spend a whole day with you and catch up.

The Chef Dad

image via Bloomberg.com

If your dad could watch cooking shows and talk about recipes for ages, we’ve got the perfect gift ideas for him. An impromptu cooking class with his daughter sounds perfect, right? If you’d like to surprise him with a learning session, make sure you find something special, such as an Asian cuisine guide or a baking class. If he wouldn’t really enjoy a cooking class, take him out to eat (choose a small, hidden restaurant instead of the obvious choices) or cook dinner for him. 

The Well-Groomed Dad

image via etsy.com

Gift your dad that luxurious extra with an elegant fragrance, a grooming set or a whitening gel kit. Instead of the regular choices, try to do your research and choose something limited edition or outstanding that still fits his taste and personality. For example, if he has a specific fragrance note preference, search for colognes that have that top note with a unique blend of other ingredients, or dive into the grooming section of Etsy to find one of a kind, natural treasures. Even if your dad does not seem to be very invested in the world of grooming, he will surely appreciate a grooming or pampering gift set. Introduce him to skincare essentials with a high-quality men’s skincare brand, such as Gentlemen Floris or Nurse Jamie for Men.

The Tech-Addict Dad

image via etsy.com

Wireless headphones, waterproof phones and all that other tech stuff you don’t even know about…I know, finding a gift for a tech-addict dad might be a challenge, but there is no need to spend hours in an electronic store, trying to figure out the newest tech trends (if you’re not familiar with the topic –  you’re just like your dad, go for it and pick out something he’ll love!). Instead, stick with the fun side of technology and gift him something that is practical and shows his love for technology (such as a new laptop case).

Don’t Forget To Say Thank You

image via pinterest.com

No matter what gift you choose, ensure you include a Thank you letter or note. It doesn’t have be too long, but expressing your feelings and gratefulness will make your present a lot more personalized and will probably make him happier than any gift that you can buy.

gifts mens grooming

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